At the same time as the CIAPE supplier fair in Beijing, an automotive congress was taking place with the appropriate Motto “Sourcing in China”.
Quite an interesting event, were it not for a presentation of a renowned European OEM. The speaker, took a solid ten minutes of the listeners’ time to waffle on about the recent history of the company which has been in China for four years now. For each year he had prepared a cluttered slide which he then went on to describe each point in great detail.
As on can well imagine, it didn’t take long for the first listeners to leave the room. Others just fell asleep…
My request to you, presenters alike – “think before you leap” - that means, consider beforehand who your listeners are likely to be and what they are going to get out of the presentation, what value is the topic going to have for them. Otherwise it is a waste of time for both sides!
And by the way, if you need support in putting your presentation together, we’d be more than happy to help you.